Workgroup name

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Hello I am having some troubles with my Windows Vista. I am running WINDOWS
VISTA HOME PREMIUM, the problem is that I am unable to change my Workgroup
name, whenever i open the window to do it the box with the Workgroup name is
grayed out, even using the administrator account. Also another problem i
noticed is that when i try to enable "file sharing" in Network and Sharing
center instead of "on" it is set to "custom" no matter what I do, and I
cannot acces other computers in the Network but others can acces mine. (This
is a wireless home network), So my question is What can I DO?????

Thanks in advance
Try a manual setup of the network at the control panel/system/advanced
settings and click on the Network ID box and run through it.
Sorry Warren but that is where I am trying to make the changes and th box for
Workgroup is grayed out, I cannot do anything there. I can only change the
computer name. and what about the other problems, what can you tell me. By
the way it is a New Laptop. What can I do????