Workgroup details Change after creation

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When I create my workgroup file, I put in all of the details, name, company
etc. I confirm and they all show up. Then after its created, its as if the
details all revert back to those of my currently logged in user.

Did they truly revert back, and if I wanted to recreate the file, what
details do I enter, those of my user, or those of the file I just created?

DBG said:
When I create my workgroup file, I put in all of the details, name,
etc. I confirm and they all show up. Then after its created, its as if
details all revert back to those of my currently logged in user.

Could you explain why you have this impression? What are you seeing that
makes you think this?

I go to the workgroup admin and create a new workgroup.
I enter a new Name, New Organization and new Workgroup ID
I save the workgroup under a new name.
It shows all of the details as I have entered them.

Then, when I re-open the workgroup admin, the file name is
still the same, but Name and Company have been replaced with the
details of my system.

I've read elsewhere something about this, but just don't know the details.

IMHO, there's no way that the company, organization and/or WID fields
will automagically change to something else, after you have saved the

It sounds to me, as if you are using the option to create a new file.
Then, the company & orgaization fields would be initialized to the
values you state.

Here's what I suggest.

(1) Create another new workgroup file with characteristic values; eg.
company=111, organization=222, WID=333.

(2) Save the new wgf with an unusual name that you have never used
before; eg. blahblah.mdw.

(3) Close Access.

(4) Use Start : Find (or whatever) to find the file.

(5) Check that its creation date is what you expect.

(6) Reopen that specific file in workgroup admin. Be absolutely certain
that you are not creating a new file. See if the values are what you

DBG said:

I go to the workgroup admin and create a new workgroup.
I enter a new Name, New Organization and new Workgroup ID
I save the workgroup under a new name.
It shows all of the details as I have entered them.

Then, when I re-open the workgroup admin, the file name is
still the same, but Name and Company have been replaced with the
details of my system.

It sounds to me as though you created a new workgroup, but you didn't join
it as the default. When you reopen, it is just showing you your default mdw
(which is a different one than the one you just created). click on Join and
you'll be able to join your new workgroup.