Workgroup Computer BLOCKING laptop

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When I go to the Workgroups and click on my desktop computer, the following
message comes up:
\\mike-and-kim1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this
network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you
have access permissions.
Access is denied.

mike and kim1 is the name of the desktop computer.
Now, the router I'm using for this is allowing me to share internet
connection between these 2 computers and to share printers. Both of these
features are working. So how come filesharing isnt? I've already gone to both
the laptop and desktop and selected to "share" the C:/...
thunderstruck_302 said:
When I go to the Workgroups and click on my desktop computer, the following
message comes up:
\\mike-and-kim1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this
network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you
have access permissions.
Access is denied.

mike and kim1 is the name of the desktop computer.
Now, the router I'm using for this is allowing me to share internet
connection between these 2 computers and to share printers. Both of these
features are working. So how come filesharing isnt? I've already gone to both
the laptop and desktop and selected to "share" the C:/...

Create an account/password on "mike-and-kim that
matches thes logon account/password on your laptop.
sry about posting the second time... ok, so, what do you mean create account
and password that matches my laptop? Create a new user account on my desktop
that is the same as the one on my laptop... That I logon to when Im on my

"(e-mail address removed)"
sry about posting the second time... ok, so, what do you mean create account
and password that matches my laptop? Create a new user account on my desktop
that is the same as the one on my laptop... That I logon to when Im on my
Ok, I did this, but it still hasnt worked... Do I need to set the Workgroup
computer name to \\mike-and-kim1\Michael or something like that?
Yes, all computers in a workgroup must have the same "workgroup" name.
Each computer in a workgroup must have a unique "Computer name".


"(e-mail address removed)"
thunderstruck_302 said:
When I go to the Workgroups and click on my desktop computer, the following
message comes up:
\\mike-and-kim1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this
network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you
have access permissions.
Access is denied.

mike and kim1 is the name of the desktop computer.
Now, the router I'm using for this is allowing me to share internet
connection between these 2 computers and to share printers. Both of these
features are working. So how come filesharing isnt? I've already gone to both
the laptop and desktop and selected to "share" the C:/...

On each WinXP computer, create local user account(s), with
*non-blank* password(s), that have the desired access privileges to the
desired shares. Log on to the other PCs using those account(s), and you
will be able to access the designated shares, provided your network is
configured properly. Also, if running WinXP SP1 or later, make sure
that WinXP's built-in firewall is disabled on the internal LAN
connection. If using WinXP SP2, make sure that you've either disabled
the built-in firewall, or set the firewall to allow file and print sharing.

WinXP's Networking Wizard usually makes it simple and painless --
almost entirely automatic, in fact. There's a lot of useful,
easy-to-follow information in WinXP's Help & Support files, and at the
following links:

Home Networking

Networking Information

PracticallyNetworked Home

Steve Winograd's Networking FAQ


Bruce Chambers

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