


windows server 2003
excel 2003

in a classic asp file,
with fso i copy a template from a folder, paste it and rename it in a new
folder. After i open the file with Excel.Application.

the code work fine with an excel file without macro and freeze when contain
a macro. Work on my dev station and not on the server. All permissions seems

in an classic asp page i use the following code
Dim xls

Set xls = Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")

with xls
.Application.Visible = false
.Application.EnableEvents = false
.Application.DisplayAlerts = false
.Workbooks.Open m_FileExport, xlReadWrite, false '<--- stuck

tks for any help!

martin H

hi! did you find a solution? i have exactly the same problem.

mhebert wrote: freeze

windows server 2003
excel 2003

in a classic asp file,
with fso i copy a template from a folder, paste it and rename it in a new
folder. After i open the file with Excel.Application.

the code work fine with an excel file without macro and freeze when contain
a macro. Work on my dev station and not on the server. All permissions seems

in an classic asp page i use the following code
Dim xls

Set xls = Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")

with xls
..Application.Visible = false
..Application.EnableEvents = false
..Application.DisplayAlerts = false
..Workbooks.Open m_FileExport, xlReadWrite, false '<--- stuck

tks for any help!

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