Workbook will not open as readonly

  • Thread starter Thread starter Quoc Nguyen
  • Start date Start date

Quoc Nguyen

After saving a workbook, exit out of excel and then
setting the workbook property to ReadOnly, I try to re-
open the workbook. When the workbook opens up, Read-Only
does not appear next to the filename in the Filename
display bar. Then when I click save, excel saves the
workbook as as a temporary file.

What would be causing excel to do this?
Thank you for any help you may provide.
It sounds like you want the kind of read-only workbook that is enforced
by Excel, rather than the operating system. To do this you need to open the
workbook, choose File/Save As from the menu then:

for Excel 97:
Click the Options button in the Save As dialog

for Excel 2000/2002
Choose Tools/General Options from the Save As dialog

Next, place a checkmark in the Read-only recommended checkbox in the Save
Options dialog and click OK twice to save the file as read-only (when Excel
asks you if you want to overwrite the existing file, choose Yes).

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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Rob, thank you for the quick response.

I tried your suggestion and now when I open up the
workbook, it brings up a message box that
says "'Filename.xls' should be opened as read-only unless
you need to save changes to it. Open as read-only?"

I would like the workbook to open up as read-only
automatically. This is the first time this has ever
happened to me. Usually if I set the property to read-
only, it opens up that way.

Is there another way to do this?
I'm not sure why Excel isn't reading the properties you set on the file
in Explorer. The file is obviously being treated by the operating system as
read-only, which is why Excel saves to a temporary file when you click the
save button. A few additional questions: Is the workbook on your local hard
disk or on a network drive? Has the read-only setting in Explorer worked on
this machine before? If so, have you changed anything on this machine
recently (such as installed any new programs)? If you mark a Word document
as read-only in Explorer does Word handle it correctly?

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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