workbook protection

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


hi, im doing the advanced ecdl speadsheets on officexp excel. Theres one
thing that i dont understand. When i goto Tools, Protection, Protect
Workbook and then apply protection to the Structure and Windows and choose
my passwords, why is it that im still able to modify cells, delete formulas,
insert columns and rows etc? The only thing i cant do is insert a
worksheet. Im confused as applying protection in the same way for
Worksheets gives me more protection than applying protection in a workbook
using the Tools.

Any advice on this matter is appreciated

Hi John

worksheet and workbook protection are two completely different things.
in brief:
- worksheet protection protects the contents of the sheet - and is applied
on a sheet by sheet basis
- workbook protection protects the structure of the workbook

so basically, if you just apply worksheet protection you can stop people
deleting / overtyping your formulas but they can still delete the sheet -
workbook protection is necessary to stop them deleting the sheet.

So in most cases you need to apply worksheet protection to each sheet to
protect its contents AND workbook protection to protect the book itself.

hope this helps