Work Units Getting Bigger?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Is it just me, or are the work units, particularly in Help Conquer Cancer, getting bigger? There seem to be more and more 12-15 hour projects and I recently had one scheduled to last 36 hours !! :eek: Is this a record? It,actually, took a lot less when it ran through.

Is everyone else finding this?
nivrip said:
Is it just me, or are the work units, particularly in Help Conquer Cancer, getting bigger? There seem to be more and more 12-15 hour projects and I recently had one scheduled to last 36 hours !! :eek: Is this a record? It,actually, took a lot less when it ran through.

Is everyone else finding this?

Yep 29hrs > 38hrs> and a load of 15/18hrs. But like you say they dont take that length of time to complete:user:
I'm only doing DDD-T units at 1.3 hours tops.
Mostly as i dont have the pc running if i'm not in the room after all the over heating probs i had!;)
Yep I noticed, paticularly since, with the amount of time my mac can be running now. We have only one power cord for the 3 computers now so my 'turn' is limited pretty much to night time. So Boinc's only running in the sometime after midnight to early morning time period when the teenage daughter can be separated from her Laptop. I've worried that some projects might pass their best-by date before my comp has finished it's share :(
feckit said:
I'm only doing DDD-T units at 1.3 hours tops.
Mostly as i dont have the pc running if i'm not in the room after all the over heating probs i had!;)

Those are but a distant memory now. :(

I found them easier on equipment as well.
cirianz said:
Yep I noticed, paticularly since, with the amount of time my mac can be running now. We have only one power cord for the 3 computers now so my 'turn' is limited pretty much to night time. So Boinc's only running in the sometime after midnight to early morning time period when the teenage daughter can be separated from her Laptop. I've worried that some projects might pass their best-by date before my comp has finished it's share :(

Hi Cirianz you could shorten the "additional work buffer" under the preferences tab . The bigger the additional work buffer the more work units get downloaded into the queue , so a smaller additional work buffer means less work units in the queue .

Hows the feathered friends doing ??
