If you can enter the shifts as event blocks stretching over 4 days, you
could do it like this, for example:
1) An event titled "4 days on" starting 15 Feb. 2004, ending 18 Feb. 2004,
recurring every 16 days
2) An event titled "4 days off" starting 19 Feb. 2004, ending 22 Feb. 2004,
recurring every 8 days
3) An event titled "4 nights on" starting 23 Feb. 2004, ending 26 Feb. 2004,
recurring every 16 days
If you need to use timed appointments for the day and night shifts, you'd
have to creating single day appointments for each day and then you could
make them recur every 16 days -- for example, the first day shift would
start on 15 Feb., from 8 AM to 5 PM, and recur every 16 days so that the
next occurrence would appear on 2 March. Then the second day shift would
start on 16 Feb. and recur in another 16 days, or 3 March...and so on.
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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