I need to create an Excel spreadsheet to manage employee wor
Typicaly I have 6 to 10 employees (multiple work locations) that wil
have up to 15 different possible weekly schedules. An example would b
what we refer to as a "D21" trick. During the week the employee i
assigned a "D21" the employee would have monday off and have to wor
There are variations in day off and hours worked, we sometimes requir
an employee to work something like 10:30 to 7pm in addition to havin
to work a weekend.
To add insult to injury and even more confusion we have to rotat
holidays yearly so the same employee does not repeat a holiday.
The layout used is typicaly cell A1 to A10 would contain the employee'
name. B1 to B10 the employees hire date. C1 to C10 would be vacatio
weeks allowed off. D1 to D10 and on horizontaly would be the months o
the year broken down by week. I will attach a small example file fo
My question about this is would it be possible to automate a sprea
sheet to populate "tricks" randomly and evenly without repeatin
holidays? Would it be possible to select the "tricks" that I want t
allow on any given work schedule, maybe by using a check box? Can it b
done in 6 month or 3 month schedules?
I understand the complexity involved may not allow building such a wor
schedule, but it sure would make the job of building the schedule b
hand much easier
I need to create an Excel spreadsheet to manage employee wor
Typicaly I have 6 to 10 employees (multiple work locations) that wil
have up to 15 different possible weekly schedules. An example would b
what we refer to as a "D21" trick. During the week the employee i
assigned a "D21" the employee would have monday off and have to wor
There are variations in day off and hours worked, we sometimes requir
an employee to work something like 10:30 to 7pm in addition to havin
to work a weekend.
To add insult to injury and even more confusion we have to rotat
holidays yearly so the same employee does not repeat a holiday.
The layout used is typicaly cell A1 to A10 would contain the employee'
name. B1 to B10 the employees hire date. C1 to C10 would be vacatio
weeks allowed off. D1 to D10 and on horizontaly would be the months o
the year broken down by week. I will attach a small example file fo
My question about this is would it be possible to automate a sprea
sheet to populate "tricks" randomly and evenly without repeatin
holidays? Would it be possible to select the "tricks" that I want t
allow on any given work schedule, maybe by using a check box? Can it b
done in 6 month or 3 month schedules?
I understand the complexity involved may not allow building such a wor
schedule, but it sure would make the job of building the schedule b
hand much easier