Work out overtime hours for individuals

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fudge
  • Start date Start date


Hi All

I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)

Name Start End Hours
Persona 1:30 2:30 1
Persona 3:30 4:30 1
Persona 9:30 11:30
person b
person b
person c
person c
person d etc etc

What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
that may work different hours and days in a month. In other words as

NAme Start End Hours DAte Total
Person a 11:30 14:30 3 1/3/06
Person a 10:30 12:30 2 4/3/06
Person a 16:30 20:30 4 5/3/06 9
Person b 09:30 13:30 4 13/03/06
person b 08:30 11:30 3 01/03/06 7
and so on

any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense
Hi Fudge,

you can e.g. use the SUMIF function
you type in a cell (somewhere next to the database, but not connecting to it
<= practical advice or even in a summary spreadsheet)
x2: persona y2: SUMIF(a:a;x2;d:d)
x3: personb y3: SUMIF(a:a;x3;d:d)
x4: personc y4: SUMIF(a:a;x3;d:d) <= function can be copied

where a:a is the column with the names (MUST be the same with x2, x3, x4...)
d:d is the column with the hours to be added

and X2, x3, x4 ... are the teachers names, only once per person.
this can be developed to more sophisticated tables :-)
Any good?
Best regards,
Hi Fudge

Supposing your data is on Sheet1, with name in column A and Hours worked
in column D.
On sheet2, enter in column A a list of the individual names for which
you wish to summarise the data.
On sheet2 in cell B1 enter
Copy the formula down column B for as many rows as you have entries in
column A.