Work at home or part time programming work related to .NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ahmed Shafi
  • Start date Start date

Ahmed Shafi

Hi there,

Is there any place on the internet where I can find programming jobs related
to .NET/C# etc. (not permenant jobs rather work at home type of stuff.) ?

If you find a good source, let us ALL know. My guess is that there aren't
many good places to find that kind of work, especially having done it for
years and years. You get contracting work like that through networking,
generally. I've tried a bunch of web sites: Monster, Dice, etc. In the end,
all of my work has come through networking. In fact, I've even gotten work
by posting answers to questions on these newsgroups. But nothing from any of
the web sites that claim to help you find this kind of work.

Why don't you look in India, there seems to be alot of
jobs there, however they pay crap money, crap benefits and
then the so called bosses have massive salaries (why?) and
the rest of us get screwed! This market is dying slowly
and for anyone who doesn't know that is blind, remember
the cotton trade? I would stay away from programming and
try something else, maybe mcdonalds?
[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]

Why don't you look in India, there seems to be alot of
jobs there, however they pay crap money, crap benefits and
then the so called bosses have massive salaries (why?) and
the rest of us get screwed! This market is dying slowly
and for anyone who doesn't know that is blind, remember
the cotton trade? I would stay away from programming and
try something else, maybe mcdonalds?
Why does it have to be this way?. Demand from our Senators and Congress-
1. Either, that they pay the overseas help the same as us,
2. or, we tax the hell out of companies that outsource, to make it even

We have lost a huge number of jobs in IT that are not coming back.