WordPress Search results not displaying correctly.

  • Thread starter Thread starter venzandsons.com
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Hi Venz,

I see you have deleted your blog from WordPress and fixed the problem
yourself. Your read-how site displays fine for me in v6 and 7.

From your described symptoms it sound like WordPress is injecting some
floating divs into your page and pushing the content to the right.

May I suggest that you avoid div positioning (IE versions are notoriously
uncompliant/flakey) and use tables for layout positioning. Follow the KISS
principle and remember the User is King (let the user decide colors and
decorations (fonts, outlines) and don't hardcode them into your html or
stylesheets. IE and Firefox both now have options to use a User Stylesheet
which will blow away your server side styling.

For IE development the Developer Toolbar (
or the DebugBar ( www.debugbar.com ) are excellent tools to help you resolve
scripting and layout issues in MSIE browsers.


Hello Rob,

Well I haven't really fixed the issue. If you go to my blog site
here: http://www.read-how.com/myblog and enter in the word test intot
he search box and hit enter you will see the page shifts to the left.
It doesn't do this in FireFox, so I am not sure what is going on here.

I will play around with the tools you mentioned, however, I am
building the majority of this site using Expression Wweb, and the
styling comes froma template, so it would appear the design team and
the browser team might have two different outlooks on websites,

Thanks, :)
Hmm, I figured this out....

There must be a bug in Expression Web (I will post a messge there
also) if I edit my .php pages in EW it does something that hoses them
up. I took the code, copied to a notepad and them moved it back to
the site with no code changes and the page displays fine.

Rob - I did download the tools and thanks for the info, they seem like
they will be a very big help to a dunce like me. Do you ahve an
example of a website or a template to build from for the design you
were talking about above?

Thanks, :)