Wordpad: Which fonts are mono-spaced?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Will
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Some websites mention monospaced fonts in Wordpad that I don't have. Courier and some other ones (that I have) are so fine that its
hard to read. Also the difference between Bold and Normal is almost indistinguishable. In non-monospaced fonts there's a clear
difference in Bold and non-Bold type. Any suggestions for a "thicker" monospaced font? Also, I'm writing this from Windows Live
Mail and its not allowing me to add words to the dictionary when I right click a word that has the red line underneath it. There is
so much computer slang I want to add. And does anybody know where this dictionary is so I can back it up?
You are asking questions about WordPad and Windows Live Mail in (among
others) a newsgroup devoted to Word, where they are off-topic. Whether
they're relevant for .windowsxp.general or not, I don't know.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Sometimes it does seem like it predates typewriters, but that's another story. :) As I mentioned, the Courier font doesn't work
for me because its too fine and there is almost no difference between bold and non-bold. So I hoping for other recommendations,

To Suzanne: There is no Wordpad newsgroup. This seemed as close as possible. As Wordpad is included with XP it seemed logical to
post there. As this is a font question, it seemed logical to post in a word processing newsgroup whose "parent" is the same
(Microsoft.) Hope that makes sense.
Will said:
Some websites mention monospaced fonts in Wordpad that I don't have.
Courier and some other ones (that I have) are so fine that its hard to
read. Also the difference between Bold and Normal is almost
indistinguishable. In non-monospaced fonts there's a clear difference in
Bold and non-Bold type. Any suggestions for a "thicker" monospaced font?
Also, I'm writing this from Windows Live Mail and its not allowing me to
add words to the dictionary when I right click a word that has the red
line underneath it. There is so much computer slang I want to add. And
does anybody know where this dictionary is so I can back it up?

Monospace font sampler and survey results
You might try word.printingfonts. Are you using Courier (a screen font) or
Courier New?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
You should have at least one of the Lucida mono-spaced fonts (Lucida
typewriter) which is far more prominent than Courier.

In Paul Randall typed on Fri, 9 Oct 2009 14:42:34 -0600:
Finding a font with all the properties you want is a PIA. Sorting on
an important property like monospacing is impossible in windows
explorer. One monospaced font that often works for me is Lucinda
Console. It is available here if not already on your computer:
http://www.webpagepublicity.com/free-fonts/l/Lucida Console.ttf

-Paul Randall

Lucinda Console is what Notepad uses by default. Another often
overlooked monospaced font is Terminal.
BillW50 said:
In Paul Randall typed on Fri, 9 Oct 2009 14:42:34 -0600:

Lucinda Console is what Notepad uses by default. Another often overlooked
monospaced font is Terminal.
Arial is the default on both my Windows XP Pro and Windows Vista Home
Charles W Davis said:
Arial is the default on both my Windows XP Pro and Windows Vista Home Premium...

On my computer the following fonts are non-proportional.
Consolas, Courier, Daja Vu Sans Mono, Lucida Console, OCR A Extended, Quick type II Mono & Victoria
I'm using DejaVu Sans Mono. Sounds like a venereal disease from a past life.
Its got a fairly pleasant look to it and there is a big difference between bold and non-bold.
Finding a font with all the properties you want is a PIA.

I'm realizing that!
Sorting on an important property like monospacing is impossible in windows explorer.

Windows Explorer? I'm using it in Wordpad. Not understanding you here.
One monospaced font that often works for me is Lucinda Console.

Yes - didn't realize it was monospaced. Its a nice looking font except it doens't have much bold and non-bold difference. Really
too bad since its a lot nicer than the DejaVu Sans Mono. I make lists and without the ability to bold, I can't highlight stuff as
easily. I could use color I guess. And underline. That is one nice looking font!
Will said:
Windows Explorer? I'm using it in Wordpad. Not understanding you here.

In WXP, most folders have a standard set of columns/attributes that can be
displayed in the folder window. Some folders, like My Pictures, have
additional attributes, such as camera model, height and width, and get this
info from the content of picture files, when the view mode is set to
details. It seems as though WXP should be smart enough to extract relevant
info from the font files in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts and present it in the folder