My application for Windows XPE SP2 is working with a lot of languages.
For languages like chinese etc. I use the "Arial Unicode MS" Font and
everything works well (even russian). But for my Installer I have to
display a "*.rtf"-file. If I open Wordpad on XPE the russian text in
Verdana looks like this "ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌ/ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌÁ". Ialso tried
to use the font Arial Unicode MS, but its the same..!
On my XP Pro Workstation Wordpad can display everything in Verdana.
Can you help me.
Which files/keys are missing?
Thank You.
My application for Windows XPE SP2 is working with a lot of languages.
For languages like chinese etc. I use the "Arial Unicode MS" Font and
everything works well (even russian). But for my Installer I have to
display a "*.rtf"-file. If I open Wordpad on XPE the russian text in
Verdana looks like this "ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌ/ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌÁ". Ialso tried
to use the font Arial Unicode MS, but its the same..!
On my XP Pro Workstation Wordpad can display everything in Verdana.
Can you help me.
Which files/keys are missing?
Thank You.