wordpad gone

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i was trying to install an use the fax an wordpad disappeared not in recycle
or start menu. i tried the suggestions here an it don't work what else can i
do besides reinstalling windows?
What is in:

C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories folder

Is wordpad.exe there?

If not, then you have to reinstall from Add/Remove Programs | Windows
Components, but first you nned to modify C:\Windows\Inf\sysoc.inf

Look for the following line:


and remove the Hide option:


Now when you open Add/Remove Programs | Windows Components, Wordpad will
appear as and option under Accessories. You can then install/remove it.
no it was not in C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories folder . i did
what you said about deleting hide an then found it in the add windows
componet an it went to a certain point an a window opened an said "unable
to build the list of files to copy to msn explorer. the specific error code
is 0xeoooo102 , setup will continue but it may not work properly.and it was
not in the start menu
Do you use MSN Explorer?

If not, uncheck that option in the list and redo the Wordpad install. You
don't need to redo the file change, that just sets the option to be visible
in Add/Remove Programs | Windows Components.

Did you check to see if Wordpad was installed anyway after the failure?

Do you have a local i386 folder or are you installing from a Windows XP
installation disk?

By the way, you can also try:

C:\Windows\Inf\Wordpad.inf (right-click on file and chose Install).
i don't guess i use msn explorer i don't see it anywhere, an i uncked
everything except word pad anyway.
no word pa was not any where i coud find
yes i have a local i386 folder an tried installing from there an the disk an
could not dind it on disk i found word pad in some folder an got it to open
but it would not let me use it
i also tried this C:\Windows\Inf\Wordpad.inf
Did you find wordpad.ex_?
If so, it needs to be expanded:

expand wordpad.ex_ wordpad.exe
If you were able to open it, you said it would not let me 'use it'. What
does that mean?

Try this:

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\Windows\INF\wordpad.inf,

This will uninstall Wordpad and remnants.

Then right -click on C:\Windows\Inf\Wordpad.inf and try Install again.
by going to c:/windows/service pack files/wordpad.exe and clicking on it ,it
will open an i type in it an save as then when i try to open it a window opes
and ask what i want to use to open it, nothing will open it, an there is now
internet explore if there is supposed to be.
what does this mean? how do i use it? RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
if i go to the c:/windows /inf place it opens note pad an can't do anything
to it. looks like i will just have to reinstall it?
When you Save As, what name are you giving it, specifically what extension
do you use (e.g., filename.???)?

In C:\Windows\Inf, don't left-click on the Wordpad.inf, right-click and
chose the Install option.

For the Uninstall option:

Start Menu | Run, type: RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection

Then do the right-click on the C:\Windows\INF\wordpad.inf and chose the
Install option.
tried your new suggestion about uninstall an it did not work. i just named
it james . it usualy put an extension on it auto, but it had a rtf or rich
text i dont remember now , the exact words
If you overwrite the name from Document.rtf to James, then you cannot use
Wordpad to re-open it.
Windows operates totally by extensions, so since you removed the .rtf name
format ... it does not know what application to use to open James.

You didn't say how 'it did not work'. No message at all? ANd did you try
the Install option on the right click for C:\Windows\Inf\wordpad.inf?

Have you checked C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories lately and see if
wordpad.exe and it's templates are there?
Just a small suggestion, he might want to reinstall it with the
Add/Remove Windows components, installing it with the .inf file doesn't
always work. Another try would be to launch the Windows XP cd (while
booted in XP) and select the Add Components from the cd.

We've tried all that already.

John John said:
Just a small suggestion, he might want to reinstall it with the Add/Remove
Windows components, installing it with the .inf file doesn't always work.
Another try would be to launch the Windows XP cd (while booted in XP) and
select the Add Components from the cd.

no i saved it with james from file tab. it will not open with any thing i try
to open it with, yes i have tried everything you have suggested an nothing
seem to work. no it is not there in the windows nt , when i click on
C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories , accessories is empty

jim jr
If the filename has NO extension ... WIndows WILL NOT open it ... it will
prompt you. Try adding .rtf to the filename and see if it recognizes it as
a WordPad file.

So when you tried the Uninstall method and the Install method ... you
received no messages at all from Windows?
Have you tried the Add/Remove Programs Windows Components
Uninstall/Reinstall method (uncheck Wordpad, click OK, Check Wordpad, click
i'll just go on an reinstall windows now my scanner has quit , thanks for all
the help
-- an time you took trying to help me jim
jim jr