Word wrap in tables?


Peter Goldfield

I often make tables as a second thought then drag paragraphs into a cell to
arrange the page. If I drag a table border to reduce the width of paragraph
the text appears to wrap to the smaller size, but when I publish, and check
the browser, text seems to dissappear under the moved border - have I not
switched something on somewhere?

chris leeds

don't drag tables as it sets their width in px. the default behavior of a
table is to wrap the text unless you set it as nowrap.

Peter Goldfield

Thanks Chris,
but I want to set the cell to a certain width, but when I do that the text
doesn't wrap anymore! It's certainly set on text wrap - something odd there?

Thomas A. Rowe

What is the content that you are inserting into the cell?

Example, inserting a hyperlink, such as the following will not wrap:


Words wider than the cell space will not break and wrap

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe

Can you provide a URL?

Make sure you are not using any <block> or <pre> tags in your text.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Peter Goldfield

Just general text Thomas,
trouble is the text appears to wrap in FP but then shows problem in browser.
eveything is OK on first placing text, but changes on reducing width of
Any workarounds you can suggest?

Thomas A. Rowe


Place the text into another nested table or add a row to the above nested
table and insert the text, then it will wrap.

Also get in the habit of not using spaces in folders or filenames.

I see the form that you want to pass the image to. In this case I can see
way you want to use JavaScript so that you can use the FP Form Handler.
However your entire site would work best to your benefit, being database

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Peter Goldfield

I know Thomas, I made an Access database years ago for original FP and
started to think about ASP - but got bogged down.
Fearful of starting again. I need a process. Do this first, this next and
finally do this. The details I can probably work out...
Wanna picture?

Crash Gordon

very cool concept - I like the site.


| I know Thomas, I made an Access database years ago for original FP and
| started to think about ASP - but got bogged down.
| Fearful of starting again. I need a process. Do this first, this next and
| finally do this. The details I can probably work out...
| Wanna picture?

Peter Goldfield

thanks Rob, that's made my day! (easily pleased - or hurt!)
Wish I could sort out this picture thing... (no asp's - duck)

Crash Gordon

don't be hurt...I like the concept. i'm of the artsy-fartsy ilk meself

| thanks Rob, that's made my day! (easily pleased - or hurt!)
| Wish I could sort out this picture thing... (no asp's - duck)

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