34front said:
Word will not accept font changes - no matter which font is chosen, only
rectangles appear. I'm stuck with font Super French, and I can bold it or
change the size and changes made earlier today show as letters, but I really
would like to see the rest of the letters. Any ideas why this has happened?
Another possibility: SuperFrench might be an old decorative font, and Word uses different codes for the characters.
To test that theory, you can ...
-- open the VBA editor (F11),
-- go to the immediate window (Ctrl+G),
-- type or paste the line
? Hex(AscW(Selection.Text))
-- and hit the Enter key at the end of the line.
If you get something starting with F0, you have a symbol (=decorative) font.
You might try if the macro below fixes the text. Make a backup first!
The macro isn't too fast ... I have one that's faster but can't locate it right now. If your document isn't terribly large, it should work well enough.
If the macro runs endlessly without any apparent effect, use Ctrl+Pause to stop it, and change the style(s) you use to "Arial" before starting the macro again.
Sub FixSymbolFont()
' Make sure the symbol font isn't used in your style definition(s)
Dim myChar As Range
For Each myChar In ActiveDocument.Characters
Select Case AscW(myChar)
Case &HF000 To &HF0FF
' if the symbol font isn't in your style definition, you can use the
' following line to set the font to that defined in the style.
myChar.Font.Name = myChar.Style.Font.Name
myChar.Text = ChrW(AscW(myChar) - &HF000)
End Select
Next myChar
End Sub