This is not the proper way to use a template. You don't want to be saving a
template as a document. Instead, create a new document, based on the
template and save that. This might seem to be a difference in terms, only,
but it is not. While Word 2003 will let you try to us Save As with an open
template, you don't want to do it.
If your template is saved in a templates folder, it will show up in the File
New dialog box when you click on general templates in the New File Task
Pane. Otherwise, double-clicking on the template icon from Windows should
create a new document.
For more on the different kinds of templates and locations of templates
folders see
Charles Kenyon
Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.
Brendan Ambrose said:
Everytime I save a template, in Word 2003, as a Word document, Word
crashes. I have followed the advice given on this and other sites Re:
corrupted documents but this does not seem to work.