C court Nov 6, 2009 #1 i can't keep the page from continually highlighting itself. i type for a few minutes then bang the whole text is highlighted
i can't keep the page from continually highlighting itself. i type for a few minutes then bang the whole text is highlighted
J Jay Freedman Nov 6, 2009 #2 i can't keep the page from continually highlighting itself. i type for a few minutes then bang the whole text is highlighted Click to expand... Maybe you're pressing Ctrl+A when you mean to press Shift+A? The Ctrl+A is the shortcut for the Select All command. If that's the case, you can go to the Customize Keyboard dialog and remove the Ctrl+A assignment so it does nothing.
i can't keep the page from continually highlighting itself. i type for a few minutes then bang the whole text is highlighted Click to expand... Maybe you're pressing Ctrl+A when you mean to press Shift+A? The Ctrl+A is the shortcut for the Select All command. If that's the case, you can go to the Customize Keyboard dialog and remove the Ctrl+A assignment so it does nothing.