Word Perfect

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I am not able to set the right page margin on a document. I have asked the
question in "help" and tried about everything else. Could someone assist me
please. Everytime I think I have it set and close the program it reverts back
to the wrong place, which I guess is default. Any help will be most
appreciated. James
Possibly you are thying to set the margin smaller than the printer's
unprintable area. However, if that were the case, there should be a
system error message.

That asise, this is a Word Perfect quiestion. Try posting it toa Corel


Clicking on th elink will set up Outlook Express, or any NNTP news
client you might have installed, to read newsgroup messagfes. You will
have to subscrive to the appropriate goup.


will set up the NNTP cl;ient and take you to the WP X3 group. Would will
have to set up an e-mail account to post a question. See the Windows
help system or ask in the Ouitlook Express news group.

More information here

Windows Shell/User

|I am not able to set the right page margin on a document. I have asked
| question in "help" and tried about everything else. Could someone
assist me
| please. Everytime I think I have it set and close the program it
reverts back
| to the wrong place, which I guess is default. Any help will be most
| appreciated. James
| --
| jwmtx