I posted my question here because when I used a pointed me to
this! someone was kind enough to answer me and i greately appreciated it.
being told "it's inappropriate" to have posted it, well, I'm sorry. but for
those of us who don't spend every waking moment with a computer are sometimes
thrown for a loop. I spent over an hour looking for somewhere to ask this
question. the program said "microsoft wordperfect 10" I assumed thats what it
sorry for the inconvenience.
No inconvenience, and if you'll read my reply in full, you'll see that
I also answered your question.
No program says "microsoft wordperfect 10" because WordPerfect is not
a Microsoft product, but a product of Corel. You will find very few
WordPerfect users here in this Microsoft newsgroup, but because I
happen to be one, I answered you. Asking your question in the
appropriate place increases your chances of getting the answer you are
looking for, and that's the most important reason for you to ask in
the appropriate place. Corel has its own newsgroups, where WordPerfect
questions are asked and answered all the time.