Copy the following to Notepad, save the file with .reg extension.
Double-click to run the REG file. This adds a "Rich Text Document" to the
New menu.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
The Winhelponline Blog:
Windows® Troubleshooting:
wallaby said:
Thanks Mark
Would have used Tweak UI on XP, TweakUI wont even install on my VistaBox
let alone run.
I've done more hacks on Vista in a week than I did on XP in 5 years. To
the extent that I've created a public\hacks directory for the ..reg &
.patch files. Now now I have to do another hack in order to made it
easy to document the other hacks.
Might see of one of the free tweakers does it, if I find one I'll let you
know - I think XP-SetPro might, but it's not available on this VistaBox.