Ok I admit my question was a bit to short ;-)
What I have is a form with an bound object that should contain a word file.
What I want is that user doblle click on the object and word will be opened
with a certain template. Now the problem I have is that I want that the
company name and costumer name that i saved in another field is inserted in
word. The user can then save the word not as file but embedded in access.
I show you the code I have made.
Private Sub dokument_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Error_dokument_Click
If IsNull(Me.dokument.Value) Then
With Me![dokument]
.Enabled = True
.Locked = False
' Specify what kind of object can appear in the field.
.OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded
' Class statement for Word document.
.Class = "Word.Document"
' Specify the file to be embedded.
' Type the correct path name.
.SourceDoc = "C:\Work\monthly report.doc"
' Create the embedded object.
.Action = acOLECreateEmbed
' Optional size adjustment.
.SizeMode = acOLESizeZoom
End With
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox CStr(Err) & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_dokument_Click
End Sub
The field containing the dokument is called "dokument" the field containing
company name is called "companyname" I dont know how access can insert the
company name into the template its generated.