We are running a FoxPro application in terminal services on server 2K and it
creates mailmerge documents in word. Unfortunately the same set up does not
work on server 2003 , word comes with :"1429 - OLE IDispatch exception code 0
from Microsoft Word: Could not open macro storage...".
I have done search on internet and the solution seems to be to load
"registry hive" programmatically for terminal services users.
Is it something that can be done via group policies?
creates mailmerge documents in word. Unfortunately the same set up does not
work on server 2003 , word comes with :"1429 - OLE IDispatch exception code 0
from Microsoft Word: Could not open macro storage...".
I have done search on internet and the solution seems to be to load
"registry hive" programmatically for terminal services users.
Is it something that can be done via group policies?