OK, ignore all that stuff about "Word is not part of Windows".
We all know what you meant, but were overcome by
waves of pedanticism
The trick is that she may have been sold a word processor
in one of several different ways. When you buy a Dell,
they let you choose whether you want to also buy
additional software. Options include things like:
Wordperfect Office (includes a word processor made
by someone other than Microsoft -- not Word,
but maybe good enough).
Microsoft Office (includes Word).
Microsoft Works (does not include Word, but has
a crippled version of Word that may be good enough)
Microsoft WorkSuite (like Works, but includes Word!)
none of the above (she saved money, but didn't get
a word processor -- you're stuck with the dinky
little WordPad that came with Windows XP).
So, ironically, the easiest place to start to locate
Word on her XP machine may be the invoice
she got from Dell. It should tell you whether she
chose to buy a Microsoft product that happens
to include Microsoft Word.