Word Hangs a bit!



I have MS Office 2003 and over the past few months Word has developed a
hanging problem whenever I initially bring it up, close a document or close
out of Word. It hangs for about 10 seconds with a white sceen then is OK
until the next time. None of the other Office programs do this at all. I've
tried "repairing" the install I even removed and reinstalled Word last week
and it had no effect. Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening?


Graham Mayor

It could be a minor corruption of normal.dot (or that file has grown
excessively) or more likely it is a function of your virus checker. If you
are using Norton AV, uncheck its office plug-in.
Does it have the same problem if you start Word in its safe mode (hold the
ctrl key whilst starting and confirm the acknowledgement?
If that clears it - see
http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm then

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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Thank you! Starting Word in safe mode eliminates the "hangs". I'll follow
your link and read more about this.

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