I have been trying to figure out how to set the default file locatio
for documents for ALL users of the same computer (Windows 2000 or XP).
I need every user of this workstation to be able to have WORD look i
the H:\ drive instead of c:\documents and settings\userprofile\m
I am using a server (MS. Small Business Server). Each user logs into
workstation that connects to the server. At login, each user has
login script that maps the user home directory to H:\. All use
documents and files are to be stored on H:\.
When I set up a Win2k workstation, install Office 2000, then change th
default file location for WORD to h:\, it only applies to the user wh
is logged in at that time. When the next user logs in, the WORD defaul
file location is back to MY DOCUMENTS on the local drive.
We didnt have this problem when we were using Win98 workstations, o
when we were using Word Perfect.
Any help is very much appreciated!
PS; I have been working with the Office 2000 Resource Kit to customiz
the installation process, but no sucess at this particular problem yet
for documents for ALL users of the same computer (Windows 2000 or XP).
I need every user of this workstation to be able to have WORD look i
the H:\ drive instead of c:\documents and settings\userprofile\m
I am using a server (MS. Small Business Server). Each user logs into
workstation that connects to the server. At login, each user has
login script that maps the user home directory to H:\. All use
documents and files are to be stored on H:\.
When I set up a Win2k workstation, install Office 2000, then change th
default file location for WORD to h:\, it only applies to the user wh
is logged in at that time. When the next user logs in, the WORD defaul
file location is back to MY DOCUMENTS on the local drive.
We didnt have this problem when we were using Win98 workstations, o
when we were using Word Perfect.
Any help is very much appreciated!
PS; I have been working with the Office 2000 Resource Kit to customiz
the installation process, but no sucess at this particular problem yet