Word Custom Menus



This office as created a custom menu, called Forms, in Word2000. The menu appears beside the other menu, such as File, Window, etc, etc. Clicking on the menu, drops a submenu with more submenus to various forms. My question is - How do I change the wording of the first submenu. I have looked all over the place within Word and just cannot find it

Many tanks

Jay Freedman

First display the Tools > Customize dialog. Make sure the "Save in" box at
the bottom of the dialog shows the name of the template that contains the
custom menu. Then right-click the menu item you want to change, and edit the
Name box in the popup.


Hi Jay

I presume you mean, once the Customize window, is open to select the commands tab. When I do that the menu does not appear on the list under categories. Am I looking in the wrong spot.

Jay Freedman

Once the Customize dialog is open, go up to the real menu on the menu bar,
not inside the dialog. If you're changing a submenu item, click once on the
top-level menu name to make it drop down, then right-click on the submenu

The thing is, this right-click editable popup appears only if the Customize
dialog is open.

For a picture, go to
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Customization/AsgnCmdOrMacroToToolbar.htm and look
at Figure 3. (Ignore the rest of it, which is concerned with creating new

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