Word and Word Perfect questions

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I use XP and Word 2002. I have recently downloaded documents formatted with
Word Perfect and am having trouble doing what I want with them. Do I have
to download a Word Perfect program or is there a way to reformat them for
Word? I have been told that Word and Word Perfect are compatible. If I do
need to download Word Perfect, is there a freebie out there?
If the appropriate filters have been installed, Word will open WP documents.
If not, re-run setup and install them.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
E-mail (e-mail address removed)
Web site www.gmayor.com
Word MVP web site www.mvps.org/word
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What exactly are you trying to do? You will probably have trouble with
paragraph numbering and page numbering.
For long-term (as compared to use-only-once) use, I tend to get the former
WP document into a text-only format and import that. I then do my formatting
in Word using styles. Converted documents - in my limited experience - tend
to be very complex at the subsurface level. This makes them hard to edit and
more prone to corruption. As previously stated, automatic numbering doesn't
transfer well (and works better in WP than in Word).

Both Word and WP are commercial programs. Neither is available for free
download, although I believe both have viewer programs that can be
downloaded and which allow viewing and printing but not editing.

Charles Kenyon

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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