word and word perfect on the same computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter tracy
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Can word and word perfect work on the same computer? Is
there a program that has both word and word perfect?
In my experience at two different firms, Word and
WordPerfect did not integrate very well, causing constant
problems in both programs and when logging on. No,
there's not a program that has both as far as I know--
they're different software programs made by different
tracy said:
Can word and word perfect work on the same computer? Is
there a program that has both word and word perfect?

Microsoft Word and Corel Word Perfect are two completely different
programs and there is no reason they won't coexist on the same
machine--even execute both at the sam time.

Sorry ... don't understand the second question.
I used to have wordperfect on my computer, but I'm using only word now. I've saved all my wordperfect files on a CD and I draw on them by opening them, as needed, with microsoft word and if I feel like saving a particular file, or a bit of it, I either paste the bit in, or save it as a microsoft word file. Hope this helps. Couldn't be bothered having two wordprocessing programs on the same machine.
I have Word 2002 and WP 8 both on my computer and both seem to function
fine. Note that Explorer opens *.doc documents with Word and I don't use
that extension on my WP documents. There seems to be more of a problem if
you try to use two separate versions of Word on the same computer.

Word and WP are both programs. Each comes in its own suite of programs but
since they are made by different companies there isn't a suite that comes
with both. (Most people have enough trouble learning one word processing
program and wouldn't want two. I can't imagine a market for a suite with

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
<URL: http://addbalance.com/word/index.htm>

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
<URL: http://addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm>

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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