Word adds hundreds of pages to my document

  • Thread starter Thread starter Writer in Residence
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Writer in Residence

I had a beautifully formatted document of 79 pages. I used outline numbering
for the various sections. The automatic Table of Contents showed the correct
numbering for the 79 pages. Everything looked perfect on my screen. I
closed the document.

Just before I wanted to send it by email I opened it again, and suddenly it
had over 900 pages. I tried to scroll through it, but when it got past page
8 it would only open in "normal" view, not "page view". I could not access
any of the pages that Word had magically added to my document, so was unable
to delete any of them.

The back-up version has the same problem.

Why is Word doing this? How can I fix my document? How can I prevent this
from happening again?

Many thanks for any help or suggestions.
Many thanks for your help. I neglected to mention that I work on a Mac. I
was able to repair the document by emailing it to a pc, then choosing Open
and Repair from the Word menu. (That option isn't available on Word for Mac
-- maybe they think we don't need it.) I couldn't believe how well (and how
quickly) that worked.