Word WORD 2010 Field Code for Dual Numbering

Oct 16, 2012
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I have a Microsoft WORD 2010 document that has 4 sections. I went to the end of each section to insert a named bookmark so that I can have a page numbering system in the Header of each section in the format X of Y.

For example in Section 1, I have 10 pages, so the first page in that section has 1 of 10 in the Header. I formatted the numbering in the Header of each section, so this part of it is fine.

Now I want to have regular page numbering for each page in the document in the Footer of each page. In Section 2 of the Footer I want to add the first 10 pages of the first Section so that the page numbering can continue. I have tried to use the following Field Code with no success: { ={PAGE} + {PAGEREF Sec1} \* Arabic \*MERGEFORMAT }

I get a !Syntax Error, {

Sec1 is the bookmark that I inserted at the end of Section 1. This field code should give me Page 11 on the first page of Section 2.

I have played around with the brackets but nothing seems to work. Could someone help me with this please?
Is it just the code for the total number of pages that you're looking for? If memory serves correctly, to get the total number of pages in a document, independent of the section, you would use the field { PAGES}.
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