Word 2007 won't display images

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brett
  • Start date Start date


I've changed over to using Office 2007 (clean install after removing Office
20023) and have a strange problem with Word 2007. I very often convert PDF
files to Docx format and need to be able to paste images, that I cut from the
PDF, into the resulting word document. i've been able to do this
successfully in Word 2003 with no problems.

However, in Word 2007 images that I paste into the document will not display
in "draft view", only "print layout". This is a major hassle as I type
notes into the document (I'm a college student) during lectures and having to
deal with viewing pages with margins makes navigating the document difficult
if not impossible.

Note: this isn't an issue where word is only showing the place holders or
image outlines. These are both settings under Word's options... these
options are set to display images, not placeholders of outlines... Word 2007
will not diplay anything what so ever when I am working in Docx format. When
I save the document into "compatibility mode" for Word 2003, then I can view
the images.

Does anyone in the world of Word MVPs or anyone at Microsoft have a solution
for this? It's such a hassle that i may as well just stick with Word 2003
and sell Office 2007 as it offers me no advantage if I have to continually
work in 2003 format.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
See response to your identical question in the Page Layout newsgroup.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP