Word 2007 table styles change through the document

Jan 12, 2011
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I've created various table styles which I imported into a generated document. The tables are all set to the style "Table - reference" however they do not have the same formatting applied by Word.

When I click on the table and look at table -> quick styles the format that word tries to apply differs from one table to the next even though they are all called the same name.

How can the format of a style change as you go through a document? This prevents me from applying the correct format to the table unless I manually change each one. It's not associated with a change in section as there is only one section.

I perform
select table
<Ctrl> Q
<Ctrl> <SPACE>
<Ctrl> <SHIFT> N
apply style

to reset any funny formatting in the table but the definition of the style is still wrong.