Word 2007 query about converting citation to static text

Sep 30, 2012
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I've written a book with hundreds of endnotes and now I'm in the process of preparing it for publication. I used Word 2007 to generate the bibliography and citations but now I have a problem because when I convert a citation to static text, I get a simple static version of it e.g.

(Carr, Miasma Computing 2008)

But that's no good for publication. For a proper citation, I need it to pull out the whole bibliographic record e.g.

Carr, Nicholas. “Miasma Computing.” Rough Type. 27 May 2008. http://www.roughtype.com/archives/2008/05/miasma_computin.php (accessed August 2, 2008).

and then after that it would also be good if Word would generate ibid where necessary.

Is this possible? I hope someone can help, or I have many hours of revision ahead of me!
