Word 2007 - Problem with auto numbering & cross-references

  • Thread starter Thread starter jem@asllp
  • Start date Start date


I'm having a real problem when opening documents in Word 2007 that were
created in Word 2003. They are Wills with numbered clauses, four levels of
sub-clauses and cross references. In 2003 the documents are perfect but when
opened in 2007 the numbering and cross-references are all adrift, and 'what
you see' is definitely not 'what you get' when the documents are printed. On
screen, at first glance, it looks OK but when I scroll down, I find something
like this:
2.3 subject as aforesaid ...
3.0 THIS CLAUSE shall ...
3.0.0 subject as aforesaid
and then when I scroll back up to the top, what was correctly numbered has
changed to incorrectly numbered i.e.
1 I REVOKE all ...
1 1.1 I APPOINT my ...
However, when the document is printed, the clause numbering looks fine, but
all the cross-references are one number out i.e. 5.1 instead of 6.1.
We use the LISTNUM field to get a sub-clause number to be on the same line
as the clause number and I've a feeling it may be these fields that are
upsetting Word 2007. I've tried taking the LISTNUM fields out and putting
them back again but it didn't help. Has anyone come across this problem
before and, if so, is there a fix for it?
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Me too!!

I'm having a similar problem and also thought that it may be caused by the
ListNum fields used to create the sub-clause numbers.

We have recently upgraded from Word 97 and documents that use these ListNum
fields are not cooperating. I've done a lot of testing to make sure that
there are no other problems with the documents and that all of the numbering
was set up correctly. I've gone so far pasting these documents into Notepad
to strip out any "bad" formatting etc. and reapplying styles and Outline
numbering. It's quite clearly a problem with the ListNum field. I've tried
assigning a "field list name" to the ListNum field, but the results are
unreliable. The field will either appear as "0" or restart the numbering for
the previous level to 1.

I've tried checking MS Knowledgebase and came up with article 948845 - Not
very helpful!

If you name the numbering scheme (in the Multilevel List dialog box), and
use that name with the LISTNUM fields, does that help?

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
Yes, that's what I had been doing, but it doesn't help. The really annoying
things is that the fields will change value as you work in the documents,
even though you've made no changes to preceding levels. I again recreated
this document using a outline numbering scheme linked to List styles, with
{ListNum MyList} as the ListNum field id. Initially the listNum seemed to
work, but as I applied this numbering to the rest of the document this type
of behavior began to occur:

Paragraphs Using Level 1 and Level 2
24. (0) Notice of a general meeting .....
(0) The accidental omission to give .........

I then went back to the beginning of the document and noticed that the
ListNum fields had cause numbering to restart on Level 1:

2. The Chapter is a not-for-profit.................
1. (1) In these Bylaws.........

Sometimes selecting the ListNum will cause it to update properly, but this
is not consistent and certainly not reliable.
Sometimes it helps to select the document and then reset paragraph
formatting with Ctrl+Q.

And, since this is documented in a KB article, hopefully there will be a fix
available in the future.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message