Word 2007 - New Document screen looks like the old Word 2003 forma



One of our user's laptops is having an issue in Word 2007 where when clicking
on "New" from the Office button, the old Word 2003 templates screen opens
instead of the New Document screen that Word 2007 usually opens with.

User's laptop is a Windows XP SP2, identical make and model as about 100
other users, but this issue is only on this laptop. Have tried repairing and
uninstalling/reinstalling with no luck.

Obviously something has been installed or configured but I cannot figure it
out. The Add/Remove program list does not show me anything unusual excep
that the user also has personally installed WordPerfect Office 11.

Is there a program/setting/registry key that I need to be looking for to get
this fixed. By no means is this a "major" issue, but it would be nice to
know what is going on.


Graham Mayor

It could also occur if there is a macro intercepting the File New command eg

Sub FileNew()
End Sub

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Thanks for the responses...

Sorry I didn't mention this in the original post, this was originally a
clean install of both Windows XP and Office 2007.

As for the macro, where would this code be located? In troubleshooting for
the user, we removed all of the items in the %userprofile%\Application
Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP folder, and deleted all of the files in the
%userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates folder, including the
normal.dotm. This is when I tried the uninstall/reinstall.

Since then I have also tested the GPO settings, so it should have nothing to
do with any of the Group Policy in our environment.

I will keep looking into this when there is time, again thanks for the

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