Hi Chuck,
I don't have answers for these two questions. In a correctly configured,
undamaged, and add-in-free installation of Word, these items do work as
advertised. However, Word has a lot of "moving parts" and a lot of places
for things to go wrong.
I see in a parallel thread that you've had some trouble with Normal.dotm,
although you don't say whether you repaired the existing template or
replaced it with a new one. That's one good troubleshooting step -- check
again whether Track Changes is still damaged. Another step is to disable any
add-ins, most easily by starting Word in Safe Mode by holding down the Ctrl
key, and see whether Track Changes returns to correct behavior; if so, start
removing the add-ins one at a time to see if you can identify one that's
causing the problem.
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/ProblemsStartingWord.htm for other
troubleshooting steps (not all related to starting Word), as well as