Word 2007 Mail Merge / Directory & Section Breaks

Feb 23, 2012
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I think I am going to go insane...

I use Word 2007. I'm doing a mail merge using 'Directory' as my document type. I have set the sections to 'Continuous' in my page layout. However, when I merge the document, no matter what I do, it inserts a section break -> Next Page.

My understanding was that with the directory type, it wouldn't do this, but no matter how I try to resolve it, that's the only kind of break I get.

I have tried adding a Section Break - Continous at the bottom of my merge document. It still adds section break - new page.

I have tried removing the break altogether in my merge document. It still merges and adds section break - new page.

I'm out of ideas. Can anyone suggest a workaround?

Alternatively, is there a way to do a global search for a Section Break - Next Page and replace it with a Section Break - Continuous?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

I found the answer...

If your document has "Track Changes" set, it doesn't matter WHAT you do, a new page section break will be inserted after every record. Once I turned track changes off, it worked.
I have exactly this problem! But I do not have track changes on.

When I open the directory document to be merged there is no section break. When I complete the merge the section break appears in the merged document. I have merged three records and the merge returns three pages. When I use find and replace and replace the ^b with ^m Word can replace only one of the breaks, leaving the break on page 1. I have used find and replace in the directory template and there is no break found yet it appears once the merge has been completed.

I have recreated the document and achieve the same results.

I first created the directory a few months ago and have updated it numbers times, using the same mail merge method each time. The errant section break has not appeared until now. As it is not visible in the directory before merging I cannot delete and Word cannot find it to replace it.

Any advice?​