Word 2007 doesn't catch all misspelled words

  • Thread starter Thread starter Linda
  • Start date Start date


I have everything set correctly vis-a-vis "Set Language" "Do not check" etc.
Yet in this particular document, it will not catch the non-word "collogues."
I added "collogues" to Auto-correct--it still will not catch it. There is no
hidden text. I checked the formatting and all the other stuff people have
suggested in other posts.

I have had this happen with other words in other documents.

I am running Word 2007. I also have Word 2000 installed on my machine but am
not using it. All my docs are saved as Word 97-2003 docs. I jsut tried
saving this as a Word document--that doesn't do anything to help.
Collogue must be in Word 2007's main dictionary. According to Miriam
Webster online dictionary:

One entry found.

Main Entry: col•logue
Pronunciation: \kÉ™-ˈlÅg\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): col•logued; col•logu•ing
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1646

1 dialect : intrigue, conspire
2 : to talk privately : confer

Lookit that! A verb to go with "colloquy"! (dating to the period when
English was bombarded with learne`d loans from Latin.) I wonder why no
one uses it. And why it was included in the Word main dictionary.