Word 2007 Beta- Spell Check Disabled



I have enabled contextual spell check and spell check yet it does not pick up
any errors. I wrote a sentence full of errors and not one word was picked up.
I went to Language and made sure that it was not disabled and used the Ctrl A
method but that does nothing at all. It already is enabled yet it does not

When i go to Proofing options the section entitled (When correcting grammar
in Word) is grayed off and the Exception title (Hide grammar errors is grayed
off. But spelling errors is not grayed off.

With all this said how do i enable Spell/Grammar check to work in Word 2007.
Before i swithced to this Office 2003 had no problems with identifying

P.S. I tried this already: Open your essay. Ctrl-A to select all.

Tools > Language...

Make sure that "Do not check spelling or grammar" is unchecked (not just

Press F7.

Patrick Schmid

What happens when you manually run spell check? Review tab, spelling &
grammar. Does that work?

Patrick Schmid


When i manually run spell check it is the same response (it does not pick up
any word).

When peple install Word 2007 they had no problems with Spell Check?

I am at a loss with this problem.

Patrick Schmid

Have you tried running Office diagnostics (start, all programs,
Microsoft office, Microsoft office tools). If that doesn't help, what
about repair (control panel, change ms office 2007).
If that doesn't help, remove 2007 and reinstall it?
Something must have gone wrong with your install.
Spell check works as it should here.

Patrick Schmid


Yea i tried diagnostic, i will try to reinstall it than.

For some reason my Office is not on my add/remove list. When i install i use
the extract method right and than individual installs. (since setup freezes).

Thanks for the helps, will keep updated.



Thanks i finally got it fixed. What happened was after i deleted all the
files. I reinstalled it but this time i tried to install it with the setup
again instead of the individual MUI installations. (Before setup always
froze) after setup completed everything works now.

Spell check was probably not fully instaled before. So thanks again.

Patrick Schmid

Installation via the individual MSI files is not supported. No wonder it
didn't work for you...

Patrick Schmid


I have switched to the beta version of Microsoft Office 2007 for at least two
months , and I am very satisfied with this new program, despite the fact it
is still in beta form. However, although I do have a CD with the MS Office
Proofing Tools 2003, I was unfortunately unable to download this program,
which in the past enabled me to use a spell checker in various languages. My
previous Office suite was the 2003 version, which I have since removed. Is
anyone there who has come up with a solution?

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