Hi Jay,
To get single spacing you can also used the 2007 MS provided
"Office Word 2003 Look" template (File(button)=>New=>Installed templates) for new documents to get 'single' spacing and some older
style defaults, and then keep the 'blank document' choice with its defaults.
Yes, it does. There are two slight differences:
- In the Outlook mail editor, the styles are on the Format Text ribbon
instead of the Home ribbon.
- The template for new mail messages is NormalEmail.dotm instead of
the Normal.dotm used by Word. That means you have to make the change
in both places separately.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP >>
I hope this helped you,
Bob Buckland ?
MS Office system products MVP
LINKS to the 2007 Office System Beta
1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:
2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:
3. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007
a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit