My company has just upgraded to Office 2007. I noticed that MS Word
2007 automatically puts my initials, file name and path, and date/time
stamp at the end of each file. I tried, in vain, to figure out how I
can remove this. I opened normal.dotm but couldn't find anything at
the end of the file.
This is very annoying. I would VERY MUCH appreciae your help on
removing this automatic field. Thank you very much in advance.
2007 automatically puts my initials, file name and path, and date/time
stamp at the end of each file. I tried, in vain, to figure out how I
can remove this. I opened normal.dotm but couldn't find anything at
the end of the file.
This is very annoying. I would VERY MUCH appreciae your help on
removing this automatic field. Thank you very much in advance.