Word 2000 SR-1

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Suddenly, I am unable to open Word. The template shows but freezes. So I hit
CTRL-ALT-DEL and another template shows with 3 buttons "Stop", "NO".
"Cancel". It promts with the statement "System dangerously low on resources".

I hit "Stop" oe "END" forget exact wording. It just freezes, so I do a
shutdown and reboot. This is very recent. I tried inserting the CD for Wrod
and tried the repair function, which didn't work. So removed the program and
re-installed, and that failed too. I have a Dell Dimension 8100, 40 Gb hard
drive, 256 Mb of RDRAM, so I can't possibly be low on resources.

What is the problem?

Thanks Suzanne. The following did the trick:

2. If Word crashes as soon as it opens ...
It is most likely to be due to template corruption. To verify whether this
is the case, start Word without templates and add-ins loaded, to see whether
it still crashes: to do this, click the Start button in the bottom left of
your screen, select Run, and type winword.exe /a. (You may need to specify
the full path although you probably won't.)

Note the space before the forward slash! If you miss out that space, you'll
get an error message such as: “Cannot find the file ‘winword.exe/a’ or one of
its componentsâ€.

The /a switch is intended as a troubleshooting tool only, and you shouldn't
continue to use it to start Word. Any customisations you make while in this
mode will be discarded.1

If that fixes it, either your Normal.dot template or one of the files in
Word's Startup path are probably corrupt, so the next steps to try are:

Try renaming your Normal.dot file (with Word closed – and if Outlook is
your email editor, close Outlook as well, and if you have opened a Word
document within Internet Explorer, close IE too).

For instance, try renaming Normal.dot to Normal.old – and make sure you only
have one Normal.dot file. If you cannot see the file extensions (as in
Normal.dot) see the reference to switching their display on in ii) below.