Won't remember Window size/location


Jeff VS

I'm having a problem with IE6 that I've never had with it
on any computer before. Basically, on restart,IE will not
remember the size and position of its window.

I like to keep it to the right side of the desktop ata
size that allows a row or two of icons to be seen on the
left. I've tried all the usual stuff to save
size/position, and IE6 will 'remember' until restart.
Then it always opens in the left-middle of the desktop
and in a small-ish window.

I'm guessing that it's a Registry value problem, but am
not familiar enough to know what to look for.

I'm using Windows XP home edition provided with a new HP

Appreciate any help.

H Leboeuf

Question: Whenever I click a link in IE, the link opens minimized, instead
of in a full window. How do I change this?

Open such a link.
Don't use the maximize button.
Stretch the edges/corners so that the window will fill the screen the way
you want it.
Close all other IE windows.
Close the stretched window last.

Henri Leboeuf
Web page: http://www.colba.net/~hlebo49/index.htm
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