J. Clarke said:
The only HD board that is in the big box stores is the ATI--I really wish
that some of these Far East outfits would learn how to market their stuff
I agree. If they're more user & linux friendly, they ought to promote their
products better. But, then again, if they're relatively small & low
production, perhaps they don't want to grow too fast. I know if I hadn't
Googled for more info & had the input you've given me, I'd have never known
any of them existed, much less which ones might be good.
If you're in the US then Federal law requires that the landlord allow you
put up whatever kind of antenna you need in order to receive HD. Although
if you can get over-the-air analog you should be able to get HD.
Well, my analog antenna is an indoor set of tunable "rabbit ears" that a
friend gave me because he switched to cable. It's an RCA model I don't see
even at the store where he got it. But it has the best indoor reception
here I've ever gotten, including with some pretty good amplified antennae.
And it was free, which is always good.
I doubt that my landlord would have a problem with my putting an antenna up.
But, since we have an exceptionally good relationship, I just don't want to
change that by not asking. Also, since I've had times where I've moved
once a year (one house sold, then a "landlord from hell"), I wasn't sure if
I really wanted to put out good money getting an outdoor HD antenna
installed only to move again, leaving something that cost me money, but
might be considered a permanent addition to the building. I haven't seen
any HD antennae yet to determine how nonpermanent they are.
I can't find any information about bbt--there are several satellite boards
that work in Europe and other places outside the US, but none that work in
the US, at least not for direct-broadcast satellite (DirecTV, Dish, etc).
Not sure the status of QAM under Linux--there are several boards that work
with unscrambled HD cable in the US--the Dvico gives the most bang for the
That's Broadband Technologies, maker of one of the HD boards you
recommended. I'm so used to doing things like that (IMHO, AIW, etc.) that
I assumed bbt was probably a recognizable short form. ;-)
More an indication of a little bit of underscan. Normally that part of
the image is above the top of the visible area on a TV.
OK. I'm in linux, right now, but I think there's a software adjustment for
that in the ATI Multimedia Center.
The 9550 is a stripped down 9600. Still, should be OK for older games.
Personally I'd spend the 40 more.
Well, I had to work this morning. So, by the time I got to CompUSA, the
only 9600 left was an open box Dominator that was marked down to $181 from
$190. I wasn't sure if I should trust open box for a video card &
certainly didn't like the extra $60 price jump. So, I got the Wonder Pro,
a 9550 & another 512 megs of RAM (on sale at $39). I'm not sure if the
extra RAM will help, but it can't hurt.

The combination of the new
video card, plus the Wonder Pro makes an even better image than before.
I'm happy with it, for now. And it gives me some time to research further
before I decide on a HD card.
Thanks for all the help & info. It's been very useful.
Bill K