Won anything good?


Feb 23, 2002
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I saw TD say "Gotta be in it to win it" in another thread and it made me think of anything I'd won... the only thing I can think of is a couple of bottles of wine at a tombola! :lol:

Has anyone here won anything interesting or big before? You see cars/holidays/etc... as prizes all the time so I guess at least one of us has won something good!
When I was aged about 13, I won a plaster of Paris Figurine of a Penguin from a Bingo Session at Combe Haven caravan holiday site in Hastings.

That was the first time I'd ever won anything.

Notable winnings I can actually remember:

A ticket to see the Magic Band at Radio One's Maida Vale Studios, 2004 I think, after e-mailing an answer to a competition run by John Peel on his evening radio show.

£69.00 on the National Lotto thingie, in February this year.

£95.00 on the pools in the late seventies.

Accompanied a horse racing fanatic to the betting shop, Saturday afternoon, 1970's. He thought he was an expert, I didn't have a clue.

He bet with knowledge, I placed random bets to win cos I liked the name of the horse.


He lost about £10.00 (this was the seventies, remember, that was a lot of money then) and I won about £5.00.

Since then I must have bet on a horse no more than 5 times, usually the Grand National. Load of old nonsense, imo :D

I once lost a bet to go and stand naked in the middle of road outside the pub but that's another story....... ;)
One of the first things I can ever remember winning, are two little china plates for hitting some targets with a .22 rifle in a funfare......... that would have been back in the 70s.

We once won £70 on the National Lottery, and also have won several of the£10 prizes - almost as thrilling as winning the jackpot itself...........although we decided not to let it change our lives :lol:
Oh which reminds me,

I have been in Pcgamer a few times... in fact every time i write to them, i've been featured. :D
'Won' the gamer snap guess thing (where someone draws a scene from a game on MS paint, and you gotta guess what it is).... and yeah, my emails about things have been in there!

Considering i'm about 1/5 the age of most people here, that ain't bad ;)
5 numbers on the lottery twice......£600 and £1300 with a synicate of 6 a few years back.
To be honest the best one in recent years was tickets to the premiere of Casino Royale last year.
Amazing to see a big film a week before anyone else in the UK did:D

It's not really winning but after using an A+ book to pass the exams with emailed the publishers to say the book was really helpful & got the offer of a free CompTIA book worth £30

PS: And of course my PCReview fridge magnet:nod:
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I won the go kart racing when I was in Cubs :D:D

Each six built a go kart and we raced them. Best thing ever.

Got some chocolate.

That was years ago though.

I don't win things. Its just a fact of life.
i don't remember ever winning anything, but i have such a bad memory i couldn't tell you if i had :o
Sad I know...but to get myself in the mood for a weekend, I would always buy myself a nice lunch a magazine and a scratchcard on a friday dinnertime and chill in the park during my lunchbreak at work. Won a few times on the scratchcard - £100 once and £50 twice! Nothing spectacular but CERTAINLY makes your weekend that little bit more exciting when you have more booze funds! lol!

Oh...and I think I won guess how many sweets in the jar or something when i was about 10 at a school fair! teehee!
A meal for two at a restaurant in london when I was taking part in a 24 hour Darts marathon raising money for guide dogs for the blind back in the 80's..A Silver Eagle radio microphone worth about 80 quid in the early 90's, it was top a the range and was a beauty..

A few tenners on the lottery and Half Life 2 from PCReview...Oh and a win on the Grand national on a horse called West tip back in the late 80's, got me about 60 squid if I remember rightly, which then was not to be sniffed at and would certainly have supplied me and friends down the pub with quite a few rounds I can tell thee...:D
2 trips round a brewery!:D
Waterproof & Hat from John Dere.
And my freedom from marriage:p
By Crazylegs
Oh and a win on the Grand national on a horse called West tip back in the late 80's,
me too m8...Had a fiver on it at 10-1...Richard Dunwoody in the plate....me and my cousin got rat arsed that night in 1985..we were 20....£55 then bought some Marstons pedigree and a lovely chinese whil watching bbc1 till it went off at 1am...remember that when TV actually went to Bed and VCR`s took over...lol lol
Rush said:
By Crazylegs

me too m8...Had a fiver on it at 10-1...Richard Dunwoody in the plate....me and my cousin got rat arsed that night in 1985..we were 20....£55 then bought some Marstons pedigree and a lovely chinese whil watching bbc1 till it went off at 1am...remember that when TV actually went to Bed and VCR`s took over...lol lol

Ah I'm not the only one then...Was a top horse and if I remember rightly it strolled it.. It went on to win it twice I think...

Yeah 60 quid then bought plenty of rounds all night for a couple of nights Beerage and a chinese which was about 6 pound then, enough for two easy..:D ...Och ye tak'in me back...:nod: