Hi Penguinsfly1,
Normally choosing to use the keyboard over the
mouse should not make any difference.
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
Visit my MSN Games and Windows Gaming Help Site:
MS Games Help and Support Center:
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
Penguinsfly1 Wrote:
| I will try those and hope they work but also I have found it only freezes
| when i use my keyboard, i can use my mouse to look around fine. Does this
| make a difference?
| "Jimmy S." wrote:
|| Hi Penguinsfly1,
|| Hardware issues can cause freezing, black screens and other
|| errors. Also, your drivers should always be kept up to date.
|| Try the following steps one at a time to try and resolve the issue.
|| I hope this helps. Please post back if you have any questions!
|| 1. Update DirectX and your Chipset, Sound, &Video Drivers:
|| For all Video / DirectX / Game and Hardware Issues, I have a
|| Checklist of Solutions at:
|| 2. Dust your fans, vents and components using a 1/4" paintbrush
|| and a hose vacuum. Use compressed air for hard to reach places.
|| Set a housefan to blow cold air into your case to expose an over-
|| heating issue.. If it works add more fans or replace defective ones.
|| Use this Motherboard Monitor Utility:
|| 3. A faulty power supply can cause STOP errors, random reboots,
|| and black screen lockups. One way to test for that is to check the
|| wattage sticker on your power supply and then calculate your need
http://www.jscustompcs.com/power_supply/ (Min. 350 for gaming)
|| 4. Test your RAM using:
|| --
|| Cheers, Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User
|| Jimmy S.
|| Visit my MSN Zone.com and Gaming Help Site:
|| MS Games Help and Support Center:
|| My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
|| _________________________________________________________
|| Penguinsfly1 Wrote:
|| =================
||| I have downloaded Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on the advice of my freinds who
||| all reccomend it, it seems to work fine on there computers but for me i can
||| play for 30 seconds maximum before it freezes up and i have to do CTRL, ALT
||| and Delete. I have been looking everywhere for solutions to the problem but
||| so far nothing has worked. Please Help!