wnat clients name on top of each form

  • Thread starter Thread starter mazon
  • Start date Start date


i have a main form with about 4 subforms. I have optpage
buttons at the bottom which allows the user to go to each
page. the main page is clients name, address social
security and birthday. the subforms are data about the
client. when a optbutton is clicked on it goes the the
subform, but then your not able to see who the client is.

how can i do it so that the name, ss# and d.o.b. show at
the top of each page? i tried putting those fields in
the (i think) form header and it works, but then when you
tab through it will not tab down to the detail section.
any help is greatly appreciated.

Also, i had posted a ? on 1/28/04 @ 7:14pm, started to
get help, i posted a reply and never got an answer back,
can you please take a look and see if you have any
suggestions. THanks a million :) :)
Why don't you put the info in the form's caption?
IN the On Current event of your main form:

Me.Caption = Me.LastName & ", " & Me.FirstName & " " & Me.ss#

change the control names to your own.
so all i do is put this in the form properties in the on
current event? does access already know what me.caption
mean??? thanks alot for your help :)
-----Original Message-----
Why don't you put the info in the form's caption?
IN the On Current event of your main form:

Me.Caption = Me.LastName & ", " & Me.FirstName & " " & Me.ss#

change the control names to your own.

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

"mazon" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
You have to write the code.
On the form's properties sheet, put [Event Procedure]
in the Current event, then click on the ...
this will take you into the code editor.

enter the following code (you'll have to substitute the correct control names)
Me.Caption = Me.LastName & ", " & Me.FirstName & " " & Me.ss# & " " & Me.dob

the above should be all on one line!
I tried this code and am getting a compile error "expected
end statement" and highlights the "," any suggestions
-----Original Message-----
You have to write the code.
On the form's properties sheet, put [Event Procedure]
in the Current event, then click on the ...
this will take you into the code editor.

enter the following code (you'll have to substitute the correct control names)
Me.Caption = Me.LastName & ", " & Me.FirstName & " " & Me.ss# & " " & Me.dob

the above should be all on one line!

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

"mazon" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
mazon said:
I tried this code and am getting a compile error "expected
end statement" and highlights the "," any suggestions
-----Original Message-----
You have to write the code.
On the form's properties sheet, put [Event Procedure]
in the Current event, then click on the ...
this will take you into the code editor.

enter the following code (you'll have to substitute the correct
control names) Me.Caption = Me.LastName & ", " & Me.FirstName & " "
& Me.ss# & " " & Me.dob

the above should be all on one line!

I don't see why it would be highlighting the ", ", but you may need
brackets around ss#:

I don't see why it would be highlighting the ", "

I do. If you type this in and don't put a space before the &, Access
interprets this as a type declarator so there should not follow another
string portion, syntactically.

The habit I developed typing a space behind any & is so strong I cannot
even type && in javascript correctly, the first time ;-)
Bas Cost Budde said:
I do. If you type this in and don't put a space before the &, Access
interprets this as a type declarator so there should not follow
another string portion, syntactically.

The habit I developed typing a space behind any & is so strong I
even type && in javascript correctly, the first time ;-)

Makes sense, if mazon re-typed what Dan posted, rather than