wmp stops after one track and finalises the disc-waisting

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error cood11ab is shown saying disc is damaged or dirty or to try a diferent
brand of cd. i have tried 3 dierent new discs.strangely it worked yesterday
either side of wasting two discs,i am trying to burn a list of 19 tracks and
it stops after one
C00D11AB: Cannot burn files to CD
Windows Media Player cannot burn (copy) the selected files to the CD. To fix
the problem, do one or more of the following:
Clean the disc and verify that it is not damaged.
Select a slower recording (write) speed for the CD burner (recorder).
Try a different brand of blank discs.
Quit other programs.

To select a slower recording speed
On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
In Devices, double-click the name of the CD burner (recorder), and then
click the Recording tab.
In the write-speed list, select a slower speed.

Or, was it this error Code?
c00d11ba Windows Media Player error - FIND a Solution HERE in this article!

Burning CDs (Problems)

Windows XP CD Burning Secrets
frusrated ripper said:
error cood11ab is shown saying disc is damaged or dirty or to try a
brand of cd. i have tried 3 dierent new discs.strangely it worked
either side of wasting two discs,i am trying to burn a list of 19 tracks
it stops after one

Whilst not necessarily a fix ...... try this freeware :

http://www.protectedsoft.com/download.php (scroll down).

Personally I use Nero, its better and has more features, but you have to buy
it. BTW, which version of WMP are you using ?

thank you mr.plectrum,i have"the most up to date wmp"dont know how to
identify it beyond that,your reply was helpful.but didnt actually solve the